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Donations - Everything You Need To Know About Donating!First things First - In order to donate to our organization then please refer to the Donate page via the menu. If you are having trouble donating then feel free to send in a message!
Sending in a Message!If you are needing to get support for something within the website then please, feel free to use either the form found at the bottom of every page or the Live Chat function. If using these functions then you should recieve a email back relatively soon. Thank You!
Interested in Camp?Do I receive a refund if I have paid for camp and it becomes cancelled? - If camp is cancelled after you have paid for camp, then a refund will be issued. - The price for camp is $150 for each week for a Camper and $90 per week for a Worker if preregistered. For a Worker that will be there both weeks then the price will be 180$ and a Shirt will be included. Preregistration stops on June 15th with half of your cost ($75 for camper, $45 for worker) being due at preregistration with the other half due at drop-off/arrival. - HOWEVER, if you miss the preregistration deadline then the cost for a camper will be increased to $200 per camper, per week (no increase for worker but will not receive a camp shirt). - If you or a youth are interested in attending camp then please refer to the event itself for most information you will need in order to attend it. If paying online, then refer to our donate page and submit a donation with the correct amount under the Camper Fee option (Worker Fee option also available). - After purchasing your and/or your camper's way into camp, please include the campers' name and their shirt size in the notes/memo box found at the bottom of the donation screen. - If finding difficulty submitting your and/or the youth's shirt size (which IS required and only guaranteed if did preregistration) then please send in a message and we will get back to you in a short time. - Payment and registration offline/in-person is available and should be handled by either directly contacting Rev. Nikki Young or your church representative.
General FAQHow do I add the website to my device's homescreen? - If interested in saving the website for easy access later then please follow these steps depending on your specific device: - Android: Within your broswer, click the 3 dots or lines typically found in the top right of the browser and click "Add to Homescreen". - IPhone: Open Safari and click the Share button found at the bottom middle of the app and click "Add to Homescreen". Do you live stream your services? - Not all of our churches currently live stream their services but the ones that do should be found on their respective FaceBook pages. For more information please contact the church in interest. Thank You!
Do You Have a Suggestion for the Website or FAQ?If you have a suggestion for something that could be added to the website to improve peoples' experience or information that could be added to the FAQ then please send in a message with the information and it will be added after confirmation that it can be. Thank You!
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